
Sunday 20 April 2014


Most of the great men in our world did not bring it from their mothers womb nor inherit riches from parents but by IDEALISING their dreams. Inventors like Thomas Edison, The wright Brothers, James Watt, Charles Babbage, Benjamin Franklin and great minds Philip Emeagwali, John Ogbu, Seyi Oyesola and Wangari Maathai achieved set records and achieved fame due to critical thinking and passion for pace setting.       click to explore myeasyfuture facebook page

Always have it in mind that no one owes you anything. You can make your life good by making good of opportunities. And if opportunity seems not opening for you, create one for yourself.

If you want to be financially comfortable in life, investment is the key. Ten percent of any money you make either by effort of gift is to be kept back and invested as you deem fit. Once you are working on this idea, all you need do is to search for a gilt-edged investment which will give you returns overtime.
                                         click to explore myeasyfuture facebook page
If wisdom rules your mind, your will rule your world. And so, GET WISDOM by voracious reading, GET UNDERSTANDING by critical thinking and application of knowledge you have acquired and ask questions - AND TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR LIFE.

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