
Sunday 6 April 2014

Wealth Creation

There's an age-old rule of thumb that is well-known in circles of wealth creation; the 80/20 rule. In effect, the 80/20 rule just proves something you probably already know, but recognizing the 80/20 rule serves to liberate individuals interested in creating wealth, helping them to move on to bigger and better things.

The 80/20 Rule In Wealth Creation

What is the 80/20 rule? It's a way of understanding the distribution of wealth; a way to put wealth-holding in perspective.

The 80/20 rule in wealth creation is this:

-80% of the people in the world make 20% of the money; in other words, in terms of wealth distribution, a scant 20% of the wealth in the world is divided amongst 80% of the world's population - and in gross disproportions at that.

-20% of the people in the world make 80% of the money; in other words, in terms of the distribution of wealth, a whopping 80% of the money in the world is controlled by a miniscule 20% of the population.

Many exerts in the wealth creation field will refer to this rule not as the 80/20 rule, but as the 90/10 rule. That's because they believe the distribution of the world's wealth to be even more disproportionate, with 90% of the money in the world being controlled by a mere 10% of the world's population.

This hardly seems fair, and in fact there is little fair about it. But as long as there are free markets, there is money that can be made by that 80% of the population, and those percentages certainly can change.

Tipping The 80/20 Scales

Realistically, then, what can the average person do to make money and create his or her own wealth? Is this even possible? Or are these percentages set in stone, incapable of changing?

Of course there is opportunity to change, at least for those in the "free" world. Average men and women the world over can educate themselves and learn the ways to make money, to build wealth and financial freedom of their own. But they have to take the initiative.

There are excellent wealth creation programs online (and off) for building personal wealth. Sure, there are scams, too, but there are a number of proven, successful programs for creating wealth that have made regular men and women in many nations rich - free from the stresses of the working life, stripped of the confines of the "rat race". It does take a little effort to study these programs and decide upon a winning equation for financial success that will work for the individual, but assuming that the right financial wealth-creating program has been identified, there is more for the successful wealth builder to do.

The successful wealth builder puts forth a passionate effort.

Not a careless effort; not a haphazard effort; not a half-hearted effort; a true effort. Successful wealth builders the world over have one thing in common (and it doesn't matter what kind of system for making money he or she is using). The ones who get rich set their minds on a goal, and steel themselves to the work that must be done. They do what it takes, and it pays dividends.

The one thing everyone likes to say relative to wealth creation is that "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is". While this may apply to get-rich schemes, it does not apply across the board to wealth creation. Wealth can be made as long as the person is willing, and is passionate about their goals. Great money making opportunities are out there, and they do not have to cost a lifetime's worth of savings or consume every waking minute of the day (although admittedly, success is proportionate to effort expended, so long as that effort is expended efficiently).

To sum it up, the 80/20 rule is not written in stone. It can be changed. It can be 50/50. But as long as people believe that they cannot create wealth of their own, and as long as people are resigned to putting out the effort, the 80/20 rule, or something very close akin to it, will endure.

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